Monday 16 January 2023

Early start and catching up

I left home this morning before seven with Darren who took me into the train station in Hull before going to work. I had a quick breakfast on the station and walked along the platform as I had time to spare. Took a photo of the older part of the station and a view from the end of the platform, not that interesting, but a bit different to usual.

The trains were both on time, both slightly longer journeys than usual but they were cheaper and quieter which was nice. Especially the second one which is usually heaving. Anya met me at the station and we had a quick drink before she took me over to the care home to see Margherita. She looked well when we arrived and had just had her hair done which looked really nice. After she had eaten her dinner we took the Scrabble set that Anya had sorted out for us to the conservatory next to one of the lounges and had a game of Scrabble. I spent about three hours with her and then went outside to wait for Anya who was taking me across to stay with Rose. Took a couple of photos while I was outside, a different church and scenery!

Rose and I have chatted quite a bit and watched some old episodes of Death in Paradise. I won’t be late to bed as it has been quite a long day and travelling seems to make you tired as well!
Will finish with a picture of Buddy.


  1. A long old day for you then. Hopefully you’ll get a decent nights sleep tonight to compensate.
    As you say, different pics, different scenery today. Quite like them all actually. Really nice of Anya to run you about. Makes things a lot easier for you.
    I bet Margherita was really pleased to see you, and a game, or two, of scrabble was nice for her. Close scores as usual?
    Made a change for Rose to have a bit of company in the evening. She probably gets fed up talking to the cats 😊
    See you tomorrow.

  2. One game while we chatted, very close result as usual. Yes, think Rose was looking forward to having some company.
    It was very good of Anya, made it a lot easier.
