Thursday 19 January 2023

Some arty shots!

This morning Rose and ai chatted and I got my stuff packed but am leaving quite a few bits there as ai will be back before long to continue supporting her through a pretty rough time. Anya and Isobel gave me some cute earrings, if a little silly, wore them today but not easy to take a selfie photo of one of them!
Tina arrived soon after twelve, she had a really good run down. The three of u went into Peterborough and had lunch at a Portuguese restaurant which was really tasty, we intend to visit again when in Peterborough.
Tina was a while in the passport office so I wandered around as it was chilly and took some slightly more unusual pics!

We went to a charging point before starting on the journey home. Tried taking a photo on the bridge but night shots mean holding it still for four seconds, not easy at the best of times but pretty much impossible in a moving car! So blurry it is!
We got home about 7pm and I went and got us take away for tea. I had a bath and then a certain little lady who was pleased to see me came and sat with me for a bit.
Not seeing Bel in the morning as she is still poorly, so may go up to Freeport and collect the flamingo dish.


  1. The earrings look quite cute.
    Glad to hear Tina had a decent trip down. Hope she got the passport sorted in readiness for her trip.
    Where is the Portuguese restaurant? Don’t think I’ve seen it. Bet it was tasty food.
    Quite like your Peterborough pics. I like reflections. I also like the bridge shot too. Very funky.
    I thought Pandora would be happy to see you home. She misses her lap when you’re not there.

  2. The restaurant is opposite Parrots, you should try it!
    She did get the passport sorted and should receive it in a week or so.
    Pandora is happy, settled on a different chair now.
