Monday 30 January 2023

New craft, maybe not a keeper!

Yesterday evening I made a little mat for the miniature greenhouse. Not great instructions so had to remove the sticky string and start again!
After doing some washing and household chores I spent the rest of the morning in the garden working on the bed that starts near the entrance to the walled garden.

This afternoon I went along to one of the taster sessions, this time macrame. Not a lot of knotting but lots of combing out the string. This was before glueing and final trimming.
There was time to make a second one, I finished glueing and trimming at home. I enjoyed having a go but don’t think I will be taking it up as a hobby.
Have been to see Sarah and David this evening so now sitting with a neglected cat on my lap!
The bird feeder is now linked so may try to get it into the garden tomorrow, did say ‘May’, you will find out tomorrow!


  1. You’ll be sick and tired of anything “miniature” once you’ve finished the greenhouse 😊 What a lot of fiddling just to make a mat!
    Household chores and gardening. You’re mad! You’re supposed to take it easy in later life. You seem to be speeding up! It’s looking good though.
    I quite like the macrame key rings. Like you say not a lot of knots. You could use them as large earrings 😂
    Glad to hear the bird feeder is finally linked up. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the resulting pictures, if you get it outside tomorrow. We’ll have to wait and see.

  2. Quite a full day, and feeling quite weary. No miniature making this evening!
    The camera does work so just a question of fitting it in a pole and finding somewhere for it. Tina has told me I need to protect it from squirrels, that will be another challenge.
