Wednesday 1 February 2023

Early walk to catch the sun rise

I was up early, went out to feed the birds with the aid of the garden light and fed the cats. I got to the beach at dawn, about half an hour before the sun was due to rise. In the end I am glad I went early as the pre sunrise was better than actual sun rise because of the cloud. So quite a lot of befores and a deep hole presumably dug by a dog which another dog walker nearly fell into!

It was a lovely morning but a really cold wind, I was quite chilled by the time I got home. I did a couple of chores and put some bags of cardboard out the front for Steve to collect, they are going to put it in composters they are making in the eco garden. Angela came to collect me and we went to Hornsea garden centre for a couple of hours. We had breakfast and a long chat and then looked round. I got some new socks and a pair of shoes in the sale at the Pavers outlet there. As we were leaving there were two trolleys with calendars that were free! Not something you see often these days. Found three to maybe inspire me to do some painting, after the miniature greenhouse of course!
When we got back my deliveries had come, more bird supplies and a new long handles dustpan and brush. So got that assembled as I use it every day.
I got the bird supplies down to the greenhouse and store and got a couple of loads of washing done,
Had dinner with Darren and just relaxing now. May stir myself to get the next item ready for making for the miniature greenhouse,


  1. Blimey, you were up and out early. Judging from the pics it was well worth it though. Shame the actual sunrise wasn’t as good as you’d hoped, but what you did see, and captured was lovely. Almost worth freezing to death 😊🥶 I like the early mornings. It’s nice to be out and about when there’s very few people about. You just have to be careful on the beach with those rather larger holes! A twisted ankle of a broken leg is the last thing you need!
    A nice trip out with your friend sounds good too. Breakfast out is always good. Tastes so much better when someone else cooks, and does the washing up. Retail therapy and freebies. Gets even better!
    The chores when you got home aren’t quite so enjoyable, but you can’t have a totally fun and relaxing day. I don’t think it allowed 😊
    I’d leave the miniature stuff until tomorrow, but knowing you something will probably get built tonight.

  2. It was a early start, but all I all a good day. Walking on the beach was a great way to begin the day despite the cold. Did take a flask with me which was good! Yes, freebies, don’t see those often these days!
