Tuesday 24 October 2017

Shoes for sale!!

Before I walked to the studio on this damp grey morning I took photos of a few things to sell on Ebay and got a load of washing on the go.
Sandy was busy at the studio but I didn't do the pots today, painted the black squirrel, then did a bit of corrective work for a couple of customers and helped clear up a bit before walking home.
Sandy thought this squirrel looked a bit scary, wait until it is fired!
I took a photo of the shoes I will sell on Ebay, there have been others I have taken to boot sales. With the sessions with the chiropractor, various supports and gadgets and endless shoes, I wonder home much I have spent to be unsuccessful with my ankle!!
I got a couple of pairs listed and then went into town with Tina, we had arranged to go in earlier. Tina had to get shopping for a church meeting, sort out a work phone for when we move and get some photos printed. We parked on the top floor of the Brunswick car park and I took this picture as we were about to come home..
I have finished  listing for now but may find other things now I am in the mood. The sky was nice earlier, but colourful but attractive anyway.
Holby later, and you never know, may have the urge to do some packing!


  1. Glad you got the bits listed on eBay. I know you’ve been meaning to do some for a long time. Hope they sell as it’ll be less stuff to move! I’m sure you’ll find plenty more stuff to list as you sort through stuff for packing too.
    The squirrel does like slightly sinister, although I’m not really sure why. At least you can see where you’ve painted this one.
    Quite like the final sky pic. Won’t be many more times that famous aerial get its pic taken.
    If you watch Holby you won’t be able to see to pack for the tears :-)

  2. That aerial has had a lot of coverage! I am hoping I will have a few more things to list now that I am back in the swing.
    You can certainly see that this squirrel is painted. They are busy this week so my squirrels may not get fired until next week
    No tears so far!
