Sunday 29 October 2017

Table top flop!!

This morning the wind was very rough, the rain was coming on and off, but luckily Darren and I carried the box and two large bags of stuff to the bowling centre for the table top sale. We set up, thought we were going to sell the poppy picture straight away as a lady seemed very interested, had a cup of tea and waited for the fun to begin. It didn't! Darren left after a couple of hours to get on with some chores at home and by then we had taken £2, so nowhere near even the cost of being there.
There weren't many customers the whole time, and most of them were club members who were supporting their friends. It seemed like a good idea at the time as many things do. Did eventually comer the cost of the table and almost the cost of our sausage sandwiches and tea, then came back with a box and two heavy bags!
Tina had her last service at St Columba today and they gave her some lovely flowers and chocolates too. I have the flowers up here as Tina is away quite a lot of this coming week, but she will enjoy them when she joins me for a cup of tea which she does quite often.
Lovely flowers and I am pleased with how I have arranged them as they weren't in a container you keep them in.
We had dinner together earlier and I will join them after Strictly results to see if Lewis becomes F1 champion tonight.
A lot of fireworks going off, that is three nights on the trot now, goodness knows what it will be like next weekend!


  1. Well I know it doesn’t really help, but your table layout looks nice. In a way it’s good that people didn’t buy thinks and spoil the layout :-) I know, I’m not funny.
    The flowers are lovely. They’ll really miss her there, as I’m sure she’ll miss them. The arrangements look good. They split quite nicely into two bunches with those colours.
    You mentioning the fireworks has made me realise I’ve not heard any yet, which is very unusual. I’m sure 1000's of pounds worth will be going off over the next few days though. And that’s just in my earshot, so it’s frightening to think how much money will go up in smoke countrywide!
    Yayyyyy Lewis :-)

  2. Yes, great job Lewis, he would have liked to have won this race I am sure, but the result is the same!
    When we were leaving a couple of the folk said 'see you next time', we just smiled!!
    The cost of the fireworks is astounding, and they are SO loud now!!

  3. I’ve been listening out and still not heard any tonight. I’m really surprised to be honest. Some are so loud the vibrations set off car alarms!

  4. I think they got started extra early up here, maybe they are Halloween fireworks!?

  5. Could be for Halloween I suppose. Maybe us soft southeners have stopped celebrating it :-)
