Monday 30 October 2017

This morning I walked up to the Parish House to meet Tina, so that we could head off to Hornsea. Tina had meetings this morning and this evening and I was going to make a start on stripping the downstairs loo as it is not in good order and is not on the list to be decorated. Took a couple of pictures of the buildings near the Parish House.

The toilet at Hornsea is cold, has painted woodchip paper which is coming off in places, and is generally not at all welcoming.

Some work in progress, the first wall, which had been newly plastered, stripped quite easily, round the corner was another matter, and it didn't help that the paper was covered with gloss paint!

After a couple of hours or so I made a drink and went and sat in the garden, chilly but lovely. The views from where I sat.

Tina and I had a snack when she got home, the carpet fitter had been to estimate for a couple of rooms so we went to the shop to look at carpet, big rooms and very expensive quotes!
We did a bit together in the toilet and Darren called in after work to drop some stuff off.
We went to have some dinner before Tina's evening meeting and I carried on for a while in the toilet.
I worked until about 8.15 pm, the wall I was working on was a nightmare even though a lovely chap had brought a steamer in for me to use, the main problem was the gloss paint, as I had to try and scrape some away so that the steam could penetrate. This is as far as I got before I started to clear up.
The entrance hall walls are painted now, as are the walls in the living room. We made good choices if I do say so myself!

In the kitchen two fabulous tea light burners had been left on the side. I love them, so cleaned them up and have put them in one of the kitchen cupboards that will be mine!
Tina was back at the house just before 9 pm and we were home soon after 10 pm, a long day and I am a bit achy now, but feel like it was a worthwhile effort.


  1. Oh my, the loo doesn’t look that welcoming at all! It’s bigger than I’d envisioned. I’d pictured you squashed into a space about 4ft x 2ft trying to strip paper. Being bigger doesn’t make it easier, if fact harder as there’s more wall space! Nothing is ever simple. Why people put gloss on wood hip I’ll never know. I suppose when you put it on you don’t worry about ever having to strip it! You’re getting there though. Bet your arms ache well after doing it, mine always do.
    The hall and the room look really nice. You were right about the wall colour in the lounge, it matches the carpet perfectly. A quick run over with a carpet cleaner and it’ll be lovely in there.
    Love the chickens. They are obviously a bonus for your efforts in the loo :-) Good idea putting them in your cupboards as you’ll need a lot of stuff to fill all eight and four drawers :-)

  2. My arms were really aching when I decided to stop, my legs had had enough too to be honest. Feel okay now though and feel like it was a good start.
    It still doesn't seem real, I suppose when we get an actual moving date it will seem so.

  3. It’s real enough now, specially after you’ve toiled over it :-)

  4. Looks very hard work, try not to over do it. Once your in you will have plenty of time.
    Love the colour choice in the other rooms, well done.
    Your really going to enjoy that garden next year. Xx

  5. Having a lovely garden to sit in will be great, a good incentive to keep in tidy and colourful. x
