Monday 23 October 2017

Red sky in the morning...........

A very red sky this morning considering the sun is in the other direction. I didn't bring the bad weather that the rhyme implies though!
Tina took me to the hotel before she went to her morning meeting, a couple of people in the pool and by the time I got out quite a lot of children, I had overlooked the fact that it is half term this week.
I took this picture outside the hotel, it looks so dark because the sun was bright and I was facing it!
 I caught an early bus home as another man was coming to estimate the removals and Tina wasn't sure she would get home in time. He came a bit early so good that we had arranged for me to get back and by the time Tina got home he has gone, he didn't hang about.
I went into town again on the bus as I had bought a sweatshirt at the weekend and really like it. Wanted to get a couple more before they ran out of my size. I used to love sweatshirts a few years ago but fashions lately have had skinny arms and they are no good for me. These are roomy like they used to be.
I picked up a recipe card in Peterborough for baked butternut squash and blue cheese risotto. I had got the butternut squash when I did the weekend shopping so thought it was time I used it. Tastes okay, have frozen some portions.
Going to do a bit of packing this evening and then watch a program about Jacqueline Du Pre on catch up as I got the time wrong last night!


  1. Nice red sky, and I really like the other dark one. It reallly suits the picture. The people in silhouette add to it too.
    Sounds like a usual busy day for you. Don’t you ever just rest? :-)
    The risotto looks tasty. I’m guessing that’s several portions before being cut up, or just one portion for me! I have very little willpower.

  2. I was surprised by the sky this morning.I thought the dark one worked well too.
    Made the risotto into four portions, they are still a good size.

  3. The sky pictures look good. The food even better. I love butternut but so hard to cut. So now only ever but pre pared. Expensive tho.
    So very dark in the mornings.... Horrid. Like you forgot kids were on 1/2 term going early tomorrow, try to miss the bulk. Good luck with the removal men. Xx

  4. I think I will buy pre cut next time, they are quite difficult to prepare.
    Clocks go back this coming weekend so it will be a bit lighter in the morning next week. xx
