Sunday 15 October 2017

Belton House and 'on the move'!

It has been a lovely day, Anya and family came to collect me at about 10 am this morning and we drove to Belton House, wonderful grounds and play area and an autumn fair on as well.
We looked at the great craft and food stalls and then had a light lunch. Then we walked to the play area, had a ride on the little train and generally just had a lovely day together. It was good to spend time with Anya, Louis and Isobel near to Isobel's ninth birthday. There was also a greyhound rescue event and Louis was very taken with one of them.

A couple of tree pictures!

Isobel climbing a tree.

A few random shots including the man carving with a saw.

And a couple of lovely views.

Some from the train ride.

Will finish pics for today with a silly one.
We had dinner back in Peterborough at the Paul Pry and then they brought me back to Rachel's.
Will now announce the news that Tina has a new position, a parish of her own, Hornsea with Skipsea and Atwick. We are hugely proud of her and hope to be moving in November. Still by the sea but flatter terrain, so really looking forward to it.


  1. A really great day from the looks of the pics. Nice weather for a trip out too. The big question is, how taken with the greyhound was Louis? Are they going to gain a dog? :-)
    The chainsaw carver looks like the same one I’ve seen at the wood show I went to recently. He gets about. Really like the tree with the doorway in it too. Bet that’s a few years old.
    So pleased for Tina that’s she’s got her own parish now. She’ll be great, and they’ll love her there. Great for you and Darren too. Such a lovely vicarage as well. Seems odd that you’ll be living in the vicarage :-)

  2. I don't think there will be a dog, he will be out voted!
    It is a great place for a day out.
    Yes, well done Tina and great for all of us.
