Thursday 19 October 2017

Squirrel number 2

This morning I went into town on the bus, Tina had a package that needing sending today and I wanted to go to the Clarks shop to see if they could order me a pair of the full mules in the right size. I had tried several places on line and they only has them in size 3. Got the same result at the shop, they said there were none in stock. I did go into CushionFlex, the lady in there is very helpful and although they don't have any full mules she said they have had them in the past, so took my name and number in case they bring some in again. After that I walked to the studio, Donna was on her own today so we had a good natter and then I got on with the second squirrel and she painted a commission. At least this time you can tell the squirrel has been painted.
I walked back slowly, the ankle seemed a little easier today, but that isn't necessarily a sign that it will be okay tomorrow. It started to rain lightly before I got home, the full rain and mist arrived this afternoon as predicted.
I picked up another origami book, supposedly aimed at children, so thought it would be easier to follow. I was trying to make a cube and even called Tina, my mathematical genius, to help me out. Gave up, maybe I will try again. This was one of the harder, if not the hardest thing in the book.
So I had a go at some of the easier projects to get myself 'in the zone!'
And even a couple of finger puppets!
Apart from that I sorted through the earrings - again, and got some other stuff put on one side for the table top sale.
Off to Hornsea in the morning to check out the vicarage, step and tape measure at the ready!


  1. Shame you couldn’t get the shoes you wanted, but I’m sure you’ll find them in the right size, or something very similar eventually. The squirrel looks ok, but I can never predict the colour it’ll end up until it’s actually fired. Fingers crossed it ends up red squirrel....ish! As you say though, at least you can see some colour on this one.
    Still don’t know how you find time to fit things like origami into your schedule! You’ll never get bored, that’s a fact. Not sure I’d have the patience to do them. They’d probably end up out the window if they didn’t go right first time.
    Like the pic of the mist over the houses. A gloomy day, but still nice to see.
    I’ll get used to it eventually, but it still sounds odd when you say about going to the vicarage :-)

  2. I think they will be available somewhere, or as you say, something similar, will keep looking, not too urgent, would be nice to have something a bit more substantial when the weather turns.
    Black squirrel next,they are apparently more aggressive that the greys but the picture I have of one looks really cute!
    It frustrates me when I can't follow the instructions of the origami, I will try the cube again another day, maybe!
