Monday 9 October 2017

Sea Life!

This morning I went to town to get the packages sent off to America. Had a list of things to do so got through that and caught the bus home. I had thought of walking one way, but the pain in ankle and knee have been quite bad today, the ankle pain seems to be at the injection site. I was in a bit ahead of Tina so we had a drink together. Blue came to join us, and actually curled up on Tina's lap. She has always loved to be fussed, but hates being picked up and has shown no inclination to be a lap cat, so maybe she is going to be now, which will make Tina and Darren very happy.
It turned out to be a lovely day, so caught the bus to the Sea Life Centre. I have passed the beautiful roses on the street many times and today decided I would take pictures, never sure about leaning over peoples walls to take photos of their flowers!

A couple of pics at the far end of the north bay before I went into the centre.

The photos at a sea life venue would be better if the water and the creatures stopped moving! The rays were a prime example, plenty of blurred ones to choose from, but this one is effective I think.
The water snail wasn't moving and the jellyfish turned out okay.

Penguins and otters next.

The octopus was a new specimen.

Hermit crabs and a seahorse.

A shark and a turtle to finish the aquatic attempts.

A few more shots outside before catching the bus home.

I was tired and achy when I got back and laid on the sofa and crashed out for an hour. My ankle was extremely bad when I woke up. scarily so, but it has calmed down now, I must have pressed it on the arm of the sofa, although I had used a cushion to soften it.
Went to the vets with Tina, Blue's injections were due and we collected Colonel's ashes.
This evening I have put the marzipan on the fruit part of the wedding cake.


  1. I know you’d rather walk, but make use of the buses for now, they are free after all :-) You’ll get back to walking more eventually, but there’s no point in pushing it and making things worse. You’ve had a busy day again. Lots of really nice pics. The Sealife Centre is a great place, and even better as they have otters too! Not the easiest place to take pics, but you managed some good ones. As for taking pics in people’s gardens, leaning over the walls etc. I always feel a bit odd pointing the camera onto people’s property, let alone leaning over the wall :-) I’m sure most people wouldn’t mind in the slightest, but you always get one old git somewhere who’d moan at you! In my street that’s me :-)

  2. Not a very big place, but I have the pass so it is good to go there occasionally, in term time! Those roses and just asking to be photographed so today was the day! Yes, quite a lot of sunshine today and bright and quite warm too, we should make the most of that.
