Thursday 5 October 2017

Insects, flowers and a fantastic show!

This morning I caught the bus to town, had a list of errands there, then made my way to the icing shop. What a particularly unhelpful lady in there, will see if I can get a stand for the wedding cake for Tina's service somewhere else! Then went to Sainsbury's, did some grocery shopping and got a taxi home. Managed to get some washing almost dry outside as it was a lovely day, bit chilly in the wind, but bright and sunny.
I had a couple of letters to post so went out with them and walked up to the cliff top. At that point the bad weather seemed to be rolling in.

It was very windy up there but managed to catch a couple of bugs on flowers that aren't too out of focus considering!

I thought I would walk back via the bowling club, on the way I could see the old swimming pool in the distance and wondered what would become of the building.
Another flower and a flower bed as I walked through the bowling club grounds.

This butterfly was really struggling to stay on the plant with the strength of the wind.
The clouds looked ominous as I walked down our road, so the first job was getting the washing in when I got home!
It did actually clear up again soon after that, but I wasn't taking any chances.
A while back I was given some shaped tins, a lamb and a rabbit. Though I would try the lamb today, not a great success, they didn't come with instructions, a German mould so I will look it up and see if they recommend a recipe. The sponge mix definitely didn't work.
Did make some fruit scones as well, they were okay.
A web in the garden, you can see it which is a bonus.
Last but not least, my lovely son Darren had seen a show he thought I would like with an Everly Brothers tribute act. It was in Bridlington and he drove me there this evening, he was only in about half an hour from work when we left, and he came to watch it with me and was probably the youngest person in the audience. How lovely was that?
As you can see it was the Everly Brothers and friends, so the first half was Hank Marvin, Neil Diamond and Jerry Lee Lewis. All very good, Darren particularly liked the lad who was Hank Marvin and I loved the Jerry Lee Lewis act. The guy was blind and his piano playing was out of this world. The brothers who did the Everly session were very good and were on for over an hour and then did a rock and roll finale with Neil and Jerry, brilliant. Thanks so much for thinking of me Darren and for taking me, hope it doesn't make you late for work in the morning.


  1. Another busy day for you. The woman in the icing shop sounds like a real miserable old git! Definitely a place to avoid. Some people just don’t seem to want the business these days. The sponge cake in the new mould does look a bit of a disaster, as CRH would say :-) Still edible though. Not really sure what sort of cake they are designed for, but I bet you’ll find out and get there in the end.
    The evening out with Darren sounds like it was really good. Lots of 'proper' music for a change and not the rubbish they churn out these days! Hope you didn’t embarrass Darren too much with your bopping in the aisles? :-)

  2. Yes, a busier day than I had intended, but got some jobs done and was out in the good weather, we don't know how much of that we will get now. I am sure the cake will taste okay with plenty of cream or jam!
    The show was a delightful surprise and I didn't bop in the isles but did plenty of singing along! They come every year, so will have to pencil that one it! Hopefully will get to the studio today and finish that plate off.
