Tuesday 31 October 2017

Hedgehog planters

I walked up to the studio this morning, wore the Sketchers as I am still trying to get the joints used to them! Sandy was pleased I was willing to clean and fill the pots as they were very much in need of it as half term was busy last week. Then I got the two hedgehog planters out that I had bought at the pottery camp. They are bigger than I had remembered.
I had put a bit of base coat on the face of one of them, and then I covered them both with the skin tone as a base coat. They are finished, such as they are, I have mixed the colours so it is always going to be a surprise.
Sandy was happy to get in the picture!
I walked back via the cliff top, it was very cold and very grey, and the wind was catching the waves which I always think is lovely.

Sandy has been sorting through old sample pieces and I have back two of the plates I did when I was experimenting with Sharpie pens.
I have parcels to wrap as I have managed to sell some items on Ebay. Four people have paid up already so I can get parcels dispatched tomorrow.
I watched George Gently on catch up this afternoon, didn't know I would need the tissues, and he is DEAD!
The sky was watery but pretty earlier.

I am due to give blood tomorrow afternoon so hopefully my iron level will be acceptable.


  1. Really like the hedgehog planters. They look really cute! They do look quite large too, so should hold some nice plants. I look forward to seeing them finished. I remember those plates from when you did them. For use or show, or just to fill your kitchen cupboards :-)
    The foamy sea and the nice skies make me want to take some pics myself. Not taken any for quite a while, so I should really make an effort to get out and take some.
    Poor old George! It was a good episode though and a good, albeit final, way to end a good series. Will the sidekick survive into his own series though.

  2. I now have three squirrels and the planters to go in the kiln. Not sure if they will all get in this weeks firing.
    I use plates I have painted all the time, I really like them.
