Wednesday 25 October 2017

Potatoes anyone?

This morning I went out with Tina to the Rainbow Centre as they had a sack of potatoes that needed peeling and piles of other fruit and veg as well from the harvest services. I peeled the sack and a supermarket sized bag, we had bit saucepans and parboiled them. There was another pot on the stove when I took this.
I also peeled some apples and when everything was cool helped to bag it up to go in the freezer. We were using probably the biggest colander I have ever seen!
My knee was complaining a bit by the time we had cleared away but I took a slow walk down to the market and went to try a cafe called Seafood Social which donates profits to the Rainbow Centre, very good food and reasonably priced, they were busy so had to wait for a while, but that was fine as I wanted to have a bit of a rest.

The refurbished market is really lovely now, with some great little shops along the upper level.
The Stephen Joseph theatre had a great display cabinet downstairs.

I did buy some veg and then set off to walk through the town to the bus stop, saw some small fair trade rag rugs as I passed a quirky shop and such a reasonable price that I bought one.
I caught the bus home and haven't done a great deal this afternoon, had a relaxing bath which was lovely. Went downstairs to take a picture of Tina as she wants an up to date one to send to her new parish I think (I am sure she will correct me if I have that wrong!)
As it happens the sky was looking good at the time, the third one was taken leaning out of the window upstairs.

I have bids on one of the items I put on Ebay yesterday, so fingers crossed.


  1. Thought they only did spud bashing like in the army in ye olde days! :-) Definitely more of a punishment than a joy. I’m not surprised your knee was playing up after standing doing all those. Good job done though.
    The market looks a great place. Where is it?
    That’s a nice picture of Tina. It’s handy her having her own personal photographer.
    Nice skies again. I think the last one is my favourite.

  2. The market is at the bottom end of town near Boyes, I think you may have been to the vaults where the craft units are which is below the market. It was very run down before the refurbishment.
    It was a good job done, and too much for the lady I was helping to do alone. She was peeling and coring apples while I did the spuds. The lady that runs the cafe was pleased, think she is going to use some of the spuds for the Christmas meals.
    I took a few pics of Tina, but that was the best one, it is a good one of her.

  3. Well Done on all that peeling, They will really miss you when you move.
    Great photo of Tina, she always has such a lovely smile.
    Good luck on the EBay bid. Never done anything like that myself.
    Feet up tonight xx

  4. Tina has got a lovely smile, very welcoming.
    Two of the seven items have bids on now, so looking okay. I quite enjoy it once I get going.
