Tuesday 10 October 2017

Slimy slug!

Last night, after hint from Mike, I used the watercolour pens a bit differently. Just a quick play, but much paler colours, so getting there.
This morning, while I was waiting for Sandy I noticed this slug on the grass, no lover of slugs, in fact quite the opposite, but he has a pretty good specimen.
The bush near our front door has tiny pink flowers, I was watching a wasp on there, it flew away when I got the camera out but took the head of flowers anyway.
Then waiting on the other side of the road for her to arrive took a rather random close up of a pampas grass, because I liked it!
Finished off the Christmas plate I started last week at the pottery camp so that it is ready for firing, don't think this one will be glazed.
Then I painted one of the squirrels, a grey one first, and I really couldn't see what I was doing with the pale colours, so should be a surprise, hopefully a nice one!
I walked home this afternoon as I am going out with Sandy this evening to help at a mobile pottery session at a WI. I wanted to get the cake covered and have a practice with the icing, I haven't done any serious piping for a few years now.
Will get some tea not and be ready for Sandy in half an hour or so.


  1. I’m pleased my suggestion helped with the pens. Definitely more watercoloury now. That’s definitely a first, me being able to give you art tips :-)
    Slugs are weird and horrible things, I give them a wide berth, but they do seem to make a good photographic subject. They don’t move away as fast as wasps do either, which is a bonus!
    I have to say I do like the Christmas plate, and look forward to seeing the fired result. The squirrel hardly looks any different to the photo of it plain the other night. Again I’ll be interested to see the final result. The red one should be a little easier to see where you've been.
    All that effort to decorate that cake and make it look gorgeous, then they chop it up and eat it. Seems like sacrilege to me! I know I do the same with the Christmas cake, but mines a bit easier so I don’t feel so guilty :-)

  2. Been out to the WI tonight, enjoyed singing along with Jerusalem, haven't been a member in many many years.
    I like the plate and I am hoping the squirrel will look a bit different when it is fired. Some of my stuff may go in this week, which will be good.
    Making the second cake tomorrow as I need it finished by Thursday!
