Thursday 26 October 2017

Tina had a meeting first thing, then, providing the delivery  I was expecting was due in the afternoon we planned to go out and have a late breakfast before she set off to meet up with a friend and go to another friends licencing. She will be back tomorrow morning. I had notification that the mahonia would be delivered between one and two pm, and the Ringtons man was due between one and three, so we were good to go! We went to Irton Garden Centre and had an enjoyable late breakfast. We had a look round, were going to check out greenhouses but they don't stock them at this time of year! Did get a couple of bargains though, both substantially reduced, a tray with pigs on and a hanging plant holder, that will be good at the new place for a dangling plant to keep it away from Blue!
Tina left soon after we returned and I wrote a couple of letters while I waited for the deliveries. I had received a parcel this morning with belated birthday gifts from the twins, Michelle and Julie. Michelle had picked some pretty earrings,
and Julie, who has been trying her hand at glass painting had decorated a jar for me to use as I tea light holder.

I was delighted with both gifts, a lovely surprise. 
The standard mahonia arrived, I was a little disappointed at first as it was smaller that it had appeared in the brochure. But looking closely at the leaves it is in very good condition, and it will grow.

When the Ringtons man had been I set off to walk to the studio. When Tina and I went to the garden centre I had worn my Stretcher trainer type shoes. She had ordered me some extra long laces about a week ago so that I could have them looser and still be able to tie them! It had been very painful using the shoehorn but they hadn't felt too bad. I loosened them up even more, took the support off and walked up to the studio. By the time I had walked home the underneath of my foot was hurting, but the Stretchers are flatter than the sandals I have been wearing. But on the whole it has made me cautiously optimistic that I can work out a solution. I painted the last squirrel, very quickly, and then helped Donna do some clearing away as she had been busy. The photo is not a good  representation because of the light, this squirrel is predominately white!
Walking home at about 5 pm I took some pictures of the sky. the leaf in the first two is weirdly like a bird!

The tea light is still burning. Darren is at his club, and at the moment the cats are out, I have called them a couple of times. So just going to relax with a cuppa now.


  1. A nice morning with a breakfast and bargains is always a good start to any day. The pig tray is nice, but if you’re eating bacon sarnies off it, it might be off putting :-)
    The earrings are lovely, as is the tealight holder. The twins are definitely very thoughtful. The mahonia is actually a lot bigger than I thought it would be! But you know me and plants! I’m sure I’ll grow really well in its new garden and you’ll be able to smell it every time you walk by it, or sit nect to it while having your breakfast out there.
    I’m looking forward to seeing all the squirrels together once they’re all fired. Should make a good display.
    When I looked at the sky pics, I thought that was a bird until I read your comment. The the last pic tonight is my favourite. Dark but very atmospheric.

  2. A good day really, my ankle is really sore, as are my legs, which isn't quite so good, but I am sure a good rest will sort that out. The gifts are great, and small, which is a bonus at the moment.
    The mahonia can be planted into the ground, so will decide on the best place when we are moved in.
    The leaf, and the angle does look like a bird.

    1. I hope a rest this evening revives them a bit by tomorrow. You’ll crack it yet. I have every faith in you.

  3. Thanks, still feeling reasonably positive at the moment.
