Saturday 7 October 2017

Going Mexican!

I spent the morning doing household chores and then had a cuppa with Tina when she got home a bit before 11 am.
The two of us went out, parked on Dean Road and then walked up to the auction. Tina had spotted a room screen and I have been thinking of getting one, well, had already lined Mike up to make me one, but this looked good so thought it was worth a look. The what-not I have bid on before was also in the sale again. The screen went for too much but I got the what-not for less than the last bid. We also got a carpet runner, a small half circle table and a corner chair, they have gone into storage with the other items.
Tina had suggested we went to a little Mexican restaurant that has opened on Dean Road. She had been there once before and had been impressed. Only about four tables but bright and inviting.
Had to try on one of the hats!!
It was a lovely meal and then we went off to visit a few stores on the outskirts of town.
Years ago I used to enjoy Ritter Sport yoghurt bars of chocolate. I haven't seen any yoghurt ones for years, and today there it was, but in a bar at least twice the size!!
Quite some time ago I ordered some water colour pens and some paper. The size of the paper when it arrived was disappointing, and the pens arrived today.
I did a quick sketch to try them, very bright, because to get the watercolour effect you need to use water, and I just used the pens for this trial run.
I have a bit bird poo on the outside of one of my windows that I cannot reach, the window I usually take the sunset pictures from. The sky was a good colour tonight, no clouds,  and I managed to get a clear view, missing the poo!
Enjoying Strictly at the moment. No boot sale tomorrow as Darren is away.


  1. At least you got a few bits from the auction, so not a total disappointment.
    The Mexican place looks very colourful, as does the hat you tried on :-) The theme tonight is obviously colour, as the little flower you did with the new pens is also very bright and colourful. I look forward to seeing the results when you use water.
    I remember that chocolate well. That’s a huge bar! Got any left or had it vanished while watching Strictly? :-)
    I must check to see if my car boot is on tomorrow.

  2. It was quiet in the auction, so it is enjoyable. Some nice bits, it will be quite a surprise when we see everything again,
    Loved the hat, had to try it on!
    No, didn't eat all of the chocolate, a third and will try and leave it alone now...... Strictly was very good again.
