Wednesday 1 November 2017

Scarborough Fayre - not!

I have been to town twice today so making good use of the bus pass. I sold some shoes on Ebay and had packages to get sent off this morning. The bus stop is in front of a guest house, that was called Scarborough Fayre when it was still open. That always bring the song to mind for me, I really like it and hum it to myself while waiting for the bus to arrive. Anyway, the guest house has become more and more vandalised and in disrepair since we came here. The other day there was an alarm going off in there for about three days, must have been driving the neighbours crazy.

I got the packages sent off and got some supplies in for dinner this evening, had a meal with Darren as Tina is away.
My ankle has been less troublesome for a couple of days but my knee today was extremely painful. It still is really and does not want to bend at all. Went into town again this afternoon as I had an appointment to give blood. I have been eating spinach and drinking orange juice to try and improve my iron levels. I give blood at Westborough Methodist Church, a very striking building.
The spinach and orange juice worked, no problem at all with my iron levels, in fact I have never seen the drop of blood sink so quickly!
Bumped into Chris, a friend of Tina's and as it was about twenty five minutes before the bus came, she was catching the same one, we had a good old natter, which passed the time.
We could see the sunset had been amazing when on the bus and these next two pictures are as I was walking down our road on the way home.

Another couple out of the bedroom window.

Darren has gone out now but will chat to me later as we are planning for him to take me to Hornsea tomorrow on his way to work and collect me his way home. Providing the knee isn't too bad I should be about to do a lot more stripping and clearing in the downstairs toilet.


  1. It’s odd that Scarborough Fayre has been left to rack and ruin like that. It must be worth a few quid, even as it stands. Shame to see such a big building go to waste. A perfect target for vandals too :-(
    You’ve certainly made use of the bus pass today. Some times I wish I had one, but then I’m not overly keen on using the bus on my own. I’m a wimp :-)
    You’ll crack the 50 target with the blood donations yet. You seem to have found ways to keep the iron levels up now, and hopefully you’ll continue to do so. Now just find the magic cure for the ankle and knee and you’re sorted! Don’t go too mad tomorrow decorating at the vicarage and making the joints ache even more!
    Nice usual :-)

  2. It really is a shame, places left to fall apart in so many places, so many people with nowhere to live, criminal really.
    Yes, 44 blood donations now, so could still make the magic 50!
    Have another package to send off so have looked up where the post office is so will see a bit more of the town tomorrow.
