Tuesday 30 September 2014

This morning Darren and I went armed with shopping lists and visited the two main super markets and had lunch. This afternoon I walked into town, got some material to make a net in the bedroom and a net rod, plus some other bits in Boyes. I cut down to the south bay via a different route, it seemed even steeper that the hill yesterday and was cobbled. But there were murals painted all the way down which made it really interesting.

I decided to walk right round the coast along the bays home, thinking I could jump on a bus if it all seemed too much! I took some pictures of the castle from different angles as I was closer and below it.

Just one of the sea pictures, the north bay from the other end. I have never walked right round so the views are different.
When I got home a magpie came to visit the feeders just as I was about to fill them up again, a daily job now!


  1. I'll have to look at the pictures full size when I get home. They're a bit small on the phone. I've taken loads myself this week. Hopefully I have a few nice ones. I'll have lots of blog to catch up with properly.

    1. Looking forward to seeing your pics and getting your comments!

  2. I like the two murals. Very colourful. Much better now I can see them full size :-)
    You'll soon have enough castle pictures for your montage.

    1. Yes, may play with doing one on Picasa and getting that printed.
