Thursday 18 September 2014

The three and a half mile walk is the longest I have done in a while and had areas of uneven ground, and one or two hills of course. We both thought it was longer, but maybe that is a reflection of our fitness, rather that out distance estimation! Waiting for the train at Grosmont there were trains on both platforms.
Lovely views on the journey.
I tried endless times to hang out of the window and take a photo of the train going along, I could have done with being taller, and quicker off the mark when we were going round bends!
Yesterday I paid it the money from the jar of 5ps, the second time I have filled it! Today, in an art shop at Grosmont I bought an ornament with some of the money, highly impractical, but I fell in love with it!


  1. Just read both posts and looked at your lovely pictures. I like the funky reflection shot in the first one. I bet hanging out the train was fun, I fancy that myself :-)
    Even with all the walking, it looks like you both had a really nice day out. Hard not to really with scenery like that and nice weather.

  2. I think you would manage it better than me, as they were quite high, little windows!

  3. Meant to say....... I like the otter.

  4. Me too, a limited edition, not that it matters. Some otter ornaments are really not very otter like.
