Sunday 14 September 2014

Not had the greatest afternoon, I decided to make some trousers so decamped sewing machine etc downstairs and took more trouble tacking, trimming than usual. Trouble is I underestimated my size and they don't fit! Ah well, would only need to lose about two stone to fit in them.... Then I cooked dinner for us, and didn't get the timing quite right as still getting used to the oven, which I haven't used that much since I got here. For those of you that want to know that I am going some art or craft, I bought some sea holly a few days ago and have tried to draw some of it:


  1. Love the drawing, it's great!

  2. Oh never mind on the cooking we all have bad days even when using out old cookers. I'm sure you will sort the trousers out.Drawing lovely as usual, so well done at least you tried. Xx

    1. The dinner was edible in the end, so as you say, we all have those days! Just been swimming. Have a good day. x
