Saturday 13 September 2014

Decided it was time to get on with the flower bed I had started on in the back garden some time ago. Very clay heavy soil so a bit clumpy! I have some seeds mixed in with compost and feed that I bought before I came here, and now is the time for autumn planting. 
That was just after I started today, and it is now planted although \I couldn't get the ground as fine as I would have liked.
The sparrows are happily visiting the feeder now and I saw a couple of blue tits on there this morning, so that is a good sign. A few better pics of the sparrows taken in the garden.


  1. I think the seed bed looks ok, and a bit of rain will help break it down a bit more.

    Really pleased you're getting to see some birds, specially after living in cat alley!

    1. Yes, as it has been over two weeks now so I was beginning to wonder.

  2. Much better, I knew you would attract them well done!,

    1. They were there again this morning and I think there was a dunnock on the ground.
