Wednesday 17 September 2014

This morning I went swimming to arrive for about 8 am which was a bit better than 7.30 am as a couple of people were getting out. You have no idea what a struggle it is for me to actually go, makes a very bad start to the day! But I did swim for nearly an hour and even had a couple of lengths when I had clear water in front of me! Darren and I walked into town and looked around some streets we hadn't been down before. I had a few errands and as he was off today decided to join me which was lovely. The feeder is being used a lot now and needs refilling regularly. The problem is I cannon reach the feeders and even Tina has to pull the whole thing down to reach them, spilling seed everywhere. Darren can reach, but I decided to put a hook on a pole and see if I could manage it myself. the idea was sound, but these feeders have big 'hats' and I couldn't get them back on. So I got picture wire to lower them a bit. The end of the tale is that I can now refill them without assistance!


  1. Very clever.

    I'd have cut six inches off the centre pole, or bought a box :-)

  2. I finally got around to creating an account in a name you'd recognise as me :) I'm glad to the see the feeder is being well used, but it must be driving poor Colonel crazy!

    1. There is a grey cat next door who hides almost permanently in the bushes watching the birds, and Colonel hates it being in the garden!
