Wednesday 10 September 2014

I went into the garden for a bit to prepare some ground and put in a few plants, it is looking bare now the other stuff has all gone! Took this garden spider, a long while since I have taken one as good as this, and I have photographed a great many garden spiders.
Even has Tina's car as a background! At the garden centre we bought two really nice paving slabs to make a walkway onto the lawn.
When I was out with my sister on her birthday and we visited the town parks I was taken with a large plant that had been used in the flower beds. I asked one of the gardeners what it is and it is called a Canna Lily. Today we got a couple reduced  so that was a good find. They have tall flowers when in full bloom.


  1. Great spider picture.

    All the garden effort will be worth it next year.

    1. The spider was just sat there, I almost head butted it! I have put lots of bulbs in as well, so the spring should see a pretty garden. :-)
