Thursday 11 September 2014

Had a trip out today with Tina, she was going to Hull for haircut and trip to the dentist! There was a detour on the way there and we went past a fabulous monument in the middle of nowhere. The Sledmere Monument.
That explain a bit about it and looks pretty unimpressive, but the actual monument is great.
It is huge, this picture shows Tina walking round the outside!
We then went off to Hull, Tina dropped me off at the end of Newland Avenue, which I used to know really well when I worked in Hull at The Sailors Families Society. I sneaked onto the site which is a private housing area to take a photo of Titus Salt House where I used to work.
After that I decided to go and take a picture of a famous white telephone box. A pigeon pooped on my head and had been eating berries so I ended up with purple streaks and purple hands! Luckily someone in a shop gave me a couple of wet wipes to clean up a bit. But here is the picture of the telephone box!!


  1. What a wonderful monument!

    I still think those phone boxes look odd. It looks like something wrong with your camera.

    I didn't laugh, too much, about the bird poop :-)
