Tuesday 16 September 2014

I decided to go to Bridlington on the train today, it takes just over 30 minutes. Another misty day, but an enjoyable ride as the mist just seemed to be resting gently on the fields. As you come out of the station there is a Bar and Cafe, which was obviously a pub, absolutely festooned with flowers, quite eye catching!
I walked down to the front and saw children on a school trip assembling as they got off the coaches, I loved the groups of children in different coloured caps, obviously a colourful day despite the grey skies!
Out to sea there was some sort of rig which appeared to be dredging, wasn't that far out, maybe someone else will tell me what it was doing?
On shore another sandy beach,
I really enjoyed wondering round Bridlington, lots of different streets, I didn't see all of the town. Did a quick sketch of a church and was tempted by some craft stuff but resisted! I thought the trains were every half hour back, but actually two hourly, so had about an hour or so to kill. I went into the Bar and Cafe and was so pleased I did. could have taken endless photos in there. The was an old man running it on his own, going between the counters in what was originally two bars. There were some fantastic signs from various eras, I particularly liked this one.
Then there was the clock! Not only backwards but not hanging straight either, I bet that has confused more than a few travellers!
Then I noticed the till, an old one and still showing the shillings as well as modern money!!
And finally, you may be surprised to hear that the only thing I actually bought was a fairly small, beaded spider!


  1. Yet another lovely day out and some great pictures. You're definitely becoming a seasoned adventurer :-)

    Found a bit about dredging in Bridlington. Will send you a link.

    1. Thanks Mike, knew I could rely on you to check it out!

  2. Wow you are getting about ang getting good value from the railway card.
    The spider looks great. Lovely to see the children enjoying their trips. Xx

  3. Staying closer to home today, may do some gardening later. xx
