Saturday 13 September 2014

Decided to take the open top bus along to the spa end and visit The Rotunda Museum. Passed the garden climb on the way, maybe one day I will be fit enough to attempt getting up to the town via this route!
There was a dinosaur and fossil event going on at the museum so entry was free today, although only £3 anyway. They were also doing tours of the gallery which has not been open to the public for many years due to a rickety staircase! The wooden staircase from the gallery, only one person allowed on it at a time and only 10 allowed up in the balcony at one time.
The following two pictures are the staircase from the balcony and the lift from the balcony. I used the stairs although the lift looked fun!
There was a large model dinosaur outside for the children to look at and pretend to clean it's teeth, I took a picture for the gallery that had an outside balcony.
There was a dinosaur exhibition so a photo of a model and a painting, pretty good exhibits.

They are posted in reverse order, the first one is the painting!


  1. That looks like a nice place. I bet you'll be going there again sometime.
