Monday 1 September 2014

It was raining when I got up so started the day trying to organise the drawers in the bedroom and seeing what can be discarded. Set off to catch the bus to Cayton Bay at about 10.30 am. I had looked up bus times yesterday intending to visit today. Had the walk to the station first, longer that the bus trip! I am not sure if the bus driver was behind time, but it was a scary ride, he was driving as if he was on a race track - I was very happy I sat downstairs! The bay seems quite isolated and I think there is only one way down to the beach, and that is not very old people with dodgy knees friendly!
The view before the descent was lovely.
There had been signs for Lucy's Beach Shack, and that is just what it was, after the long hill and before the steps and next to the cute little Life Guard station. Lucy said that they will be open daily until the end of October, I am amazed they see enough people to make it viable.
I had a cuppa before clambering down the steps, only a couple of dog walkers on the beach when I arrived.
Walked along the deserted beach, had to paddle through a stream and then found a handy rock and did sit and attempt to sketch the view.
Really need to get some practice on skies and seas, much more at home with buildings!
The last two pictures are after the steps,

and after the cobbles!!
Seemed like a long climb and at the top there was a bench and a bit more of a climb after that!


  1. So much for the easy day sorting drawers!

    It looks nice little place, but like you I can't imagine the shack doing a roaring trade.

    1. Very nice lady and her mum running it so I wish them well.

  2. Shame about the ride, you should have said something to him. Lucky with the weather again we had rain most of the day. Sun shone about 4.00pm took Zoe to the sports centre but stayed in playing games for the afternoon.

  3. Yes, did brighten up and the sun was beginning to break through when I was coming home. The bus ride home was much more sedate!
