Friday 12 September 2014

I went swimming early, so have managed to go twice this week. Talked to Anya when I got home, who will be free next weekend as I am planning a trip down for a couple of days as it is quite a while before I see Isobel again. Then I caught the bus to town, had a walk round and then up to Sainsbury's with the intention of getting onto the Cinder Track. That is a walk/cycle way along the old railway route from Scarborough to Whitby. The signpost was quite unusual and a lot of graffiti at the beginning of the trail.
Just before the start there were some really nice wooden sculptures. I like the butterfly carved into the large trunk.
I will add a couple of pictures of the track, one before a bridge and the other just after it.

I walked along a fair way, but the problem was that there isn't access to the track near the house, so I ended up with a pretty long walk to get back home, and I had done some shopping and was pulling the trolley. Had to ask directions a few times, so a bit of an adventure really!


  1. That looks a nice walk.

    Pity you couldn't slip the butterfly in your trolley. It would look nice in the back garden.
