Thursday 4 September 2014

Darren and I went out to get more garden clearance done. This bed was the one getting attention!
Darren did the bulk of the digging, I pruned the bush at the end and dug a couple of smaller plants out.
We then started bagging up, when we were about done tina arrived home from a meeting so took a picture of us - later in the day they did a tip run!
Oh dear, two visitors to the bird table, just as well it is sturdy!
Tina walked to The Street with me, a community building where the mosaic work was happening today. Quite a group of us working on this huge project today.
I was given the narwhal to fill in, it seems everybodty had been avoiding it because it would by tricky! I got it done!
Going to take a walk down to see the sea this evening.


  1. So much easier with a strong young slave, sorry meant son, to help with the digging!

    Thank you Google, I now know what a narwhal is.

    1. I had to look it up when I got home to spell it right!
