Wednesday 24 September 2014

I went swimming fairly early, it was trying to rain, but by the time I came out it was tipping down. I walked to the front anyway because my hair was already wet! Autumn is definitely in the air.
Saw a solitary duck in the rain-
- and a solitary baby seagull!
I walked round the longer path by the lake and today saw the waterfall from the island flowing for the first time since I have been here. Not certain if it is now usually active or it the rain was the reason.
Although it was a really dull morning the flowers looked so bright and refreshed by the rain.


  1. Started off by chucking it down here this morning. Although my garden didn't look half as pretty as the scenery you have.
    I don't ever remember seeing a baby seagull before, I probably have but just don't remember. I've don't think I've seen a baby pigeon either................. but I digress!

    1. The baby gulls look bigger than the full grown ones, bit odd that!! Do pigeons have babies? Like you, I have never seen one....

  2. Did you really just say 'do pigeons have babies'?

    1. I did, I was joking!! Obviously they do, I just have never spotted one!!!

  3. I don't think they have babies........... they just appear at night when no one is looking!
