Wednesday 1 March 2023

Getting colder

I counted and bagged some coins yesterday so got them in the shopping trolley and walked to the post office. From there I walked up to the sea, just one photo as it was a bitterly cold wind.
I did some washing and some household chores and then sorted out some of the squares I had left over when I was making the table cover. I have been thinking of making a simple throw to use them and found a large piece of material that I can use for the backing. I sorted the squares into groups and will just sew several strips and then join then up. Sounds like a piece of cake!
When I was out I bought a little tray which matches the lap tray Darren bought me on Sunday.
I visited Sarah and David this afternoon, haven’t seen them for a while.
Still taking it easy and beginning to feel less tired. Tina bought me some flowers on her way home this evening so have got them into vases.
Going to watch ‘Piano’ this evening, a real feel good program.


  1. Oh my, that sea does look very cold! Not the place to be for too long today. Still nice though in its own way.
    You must be feeling a little better if you’re sorting out craft stuff to be getting on with. You make it sound so easy. It’ll almost sew itself together 😂 It’ll come in useful though when it’s done, and a bit less stuff to keep packed away.
    The ladybird pic must be a very popular one. Either that or you were extremely lucky to find a matching one, in which case get out and buy a few lottery tickets this week!
    That was nice of the Rev to get you some flowers. I’m sure they smell lovely, and they always cheer you up.
    Enjoy your tv.

  2. Quite miserable day today but I am feeling a little more human which is good.
    Not sure when I will start sewing, will probably be out with Tina for some of the day tomorrow and having my hair cut in the evening.
