Monday 20 March 2023

Still no walking!

I did try sleeping in the bed last night but after a couple of hours I went down to the recliner. The knee is still painful but I haven’t had it try to give out on me today. Did some light chores and washing but a lot of the day has been taken up with more and more fiddly plants for the miniature greenhouse.
I will put a couple of ‘befores’ and some finished items. A couple of the had me swearing but not quite screaming at them!

I am almost half way through the instruction book, but sadly there are a lot more plants, and a lot of them have flowers!, M aubergine my leg will miraculously recover and I can go for a long walk tomorrow!


  1. I suppose it’s good that the recliner offers a bit of respite when you can’t take any more in bed, but definitely still not a good situation. At least the knee isn’t giving out, which is a bonus 🀞
    Oh my, such a lot of little bits to cut out and assemble! They do say all good things come in small packages, then again they do say poison comes in small bottles πŸ˜‚ I’d have been swearing, screaming and no doubt throwing, so you did extremely well to get them finished. They all look great though. You should be pleased with what you’ve ended up with. If you’re half way through the book it should get easier now…….shouldn’t it? As you say, it’d be great to get out for a very long walk tomorrow as far away from miniature stuff as possible. Well at least you’re in the right place with the right people for a miracle, just don’t hold your breath πŸ˜„πŸ˜‡

  2. The items to go in the greenhouse are building up, it will be bursting with things to look at! The plants are a challenge, but if you stick with it they do look pretty good.
    Not really expecting any dramatic improvement but always hopeful!
