Tuesday 14 March 2023

Morning walk

Today has been a getting jobs done around the house and getting ready for the monk who is coming to stay overnight and giving a talk to church members this evening. He is the monk Tina  will accompany to Zimbabwe after Easter. We needed some shopping so I took the trolley and walked up to Tesco but went via Witty’s Passage and the trail as I wanted to pass the post box while I was out. Nice white blossom on the way along the passage.
It was a bright morning but the wind was quite cold. 

The trolley was quite full by the time I walked home but I took my time.
I prepped some veg and go to some carrot and coriander soup going in the slow cooker, then mostly got on with household stuff.
I put the Bird Buddy out again yesterday and had no visitors. 
It it out again this morning and thought they were still avoiding it but lasted this afternoon a robin did visit.

I went to the talk by Father Nicholas this evening.not was interesting, lots of pictures and his enthusiasm and love for the project was evident, it will be quite an experience for Tina when she goes there for three weeks.


  1. It’s not everyone who has a monk staying overnight. I hope you’re minding your p’s and q’s while he’s there 🤬
    The weather looks lovely in the pics. Quite deceiving really. The white blossom looks lovely.
    I really fancy carrot and coriander soup after talking about it. Maybe I’ll give it a try over the weekend.
    Sounds like you’ve been quite busy one way or another. Lucky you’re there really to help out at times. I think the Rev would need more hours in the day to do the various jobs.
    That bird buddy is so good. They’re great pics of the robin!
    I’m sure the talk was really good. I quite like to go to things like that. I’m sure Tina will have great memories of her trip afterwards. Lots of pics too I’m betting. Hopefully some will make there way onto here.

  2. Kept quite busy today. It was still chilly out because of the wind, but it was a beautiful day.
    Pleased the robin came to visit the Bird Buddy, I will put it out again tomorrow.
