Tuesday 21 March 2023

More mini flowers

My Mothers Day flowers are still so pretty and the irises are opening now and are beautiful.
I managed a short walk to see Sher is Botany Boutique, have to admit at the moment I wouldn’t be able to walk much further confidently. We had a cuppa and she got biscuits too. I took some the the cuttings I have rooted for her to use in terrariums as she sells quite a lot. Also took the miniature plants for her to see, she finds the idea of the greenhouse an impossible task, so her reactions to the items can be quite funny!
I have had to sessions making more items for the greenhouse, before and after dinner.  I will not bore you with the before pictures, one of each set and then all of them together as quite an impressive collection today.

I did go in the garden , well the greenhouse, as I had 20k of peanuts to put in containers!
I managed to get through to the surgery and have an appointment to see the physio there on Thursday.
I haven’t got many more plants to make for the miniature greenhouse, the end is beginning to come into sight!


  1. Makes a change to see some full size flowers on here 😄 They look very pretty.
    Glad you made it out for a short walk. As long as you don’t overdo it for now it shouldn’t be too bad, and it sounds like you’re not likely to do too much on it right now. Hopefully the physio will be able to suggest something, or may just have magical hands!
    Your friend Sher isn’t the only one who thinks the greenhouse is an impossible task! Although it’s come on in leaps and bounds while you’ve been temporarily grounded. Todays full collections looks great. You should be really pleased with your achievements. The fact you’ll have no eyesight and will be a jibbering wreck by the time it’s done is neither here nor there 😄

  2. I get frustrated making then on occasion but I am usually happy with the result. You know I will take on a challenge so it will get completed!
    My real flowers are lovely and the stocks make the room smell lovely.
