Wednesday 15 March 2023

You beauty!

I am going to start with my elderly and leggy poinsettia, not over five years old but not ready to give up the ghost just yet! I really cannot believe that after all this time it is producing red leaves, there will be more photos if they continue to get bigger!
This morning I spent some time with Father Nicholas and then helped get the pans of soup round to the village hall as they were having a lunch after the midweek service. Then I caught the bus into Hull. I just got some toiletries that I needed and went and had a bit of lunch. Great sign in the cafe, made me smile anyway,
Tina and I had talked about the Bored of Lunch slow cooker book and thought it would be good to get the one he has written for the air fryer. I went into Waterstones on my way back to the bus station and they had it as there half price offer, that was meant to be!
When I got home went with Tina to collect the pans and bits from the parish hall, apparently the soup went down well, I was pleased as I am not a confident soup maker!
Quite achey tonight so sitting quietly and listening the the cd Tina got at the weekend. Looking forward to the finale of The Piano this evening.


  1. The poinsettia has done well, or should I say you’ve kept it well. I bet it has quite a few more years in it yet.
    I love the sign in the cafe too 😄 If only they carried out the threat! I think all kids, specially the screaming brattish ones, should definitely be given espresso, and a bag of sugary sweets. Let the parents suffer the hyperactivity all evening! Don’t give them a kitten though, they don’t deserve it.
    Ah, the second book is for the air fryer. I thought they were both for the slow cooker. I foresee the household testing out lots of new recipes.
    Sounds like the soup was a total success. They’ll know who to call on next time it’s needed. Another string to your bow 😊

  2. The red leaves are appearing at all the new growth, still can’t quite believe it!
    Yes, the kitten bit of the sign wasn’t so good!
    Definitely one recipe that I know Darren will enjoy!
