Wednesday 8 March 2023

Tried a new cafe with Angela

This morning Angela and I went to the new cafe for breakfast and a chat, haven’t seen her for a few weeks. When I came home Tina was off to take a service but mentioned she was out to lunch today, so I nipped in, got my bag and bus pass and caught the bus into Beverley, this time getting off at Flemingate. Walked past an impressive play area and the Minster.

I had a good wander round Art and Soul and bought a fabulous magnifying glass in Baytree Interiors.
I walked back into the town centre, had to stop at the barrier as a train was due.

This rather nice painting is just on the railings near the Minster.
Looked in a couple of shops as I was making my way to the bus station. 
I haven’t done a great deal since I got home, did a bit of pedalling to see if it helps or hinders the troublesome knee.
Looking forward to The Piano this evening.


  1. Plenty of steps today then.
    It’s always nice to try out a new cafe. I hope it proved to be one of those you’ll use again. I’ve been in a few over the years that I wouldn’t want to go back to!
    Bet the kids love that play area. Very impressive climbing frame.
    I like your new magnifying glass. Bet that’s really nice to hold. Will come in handy when you’re making the bits for the model greenhouse 😂
    Very strange to have a painting like that on railings. They do have some unusual stuff like that up north. They’re not boring like us soppy southerners!
    Hope the pedalling helps 🤞🏻

  2. The cafe was good, lots of vegan and veggie stuff as well as some good choices for the non veggies! I am sure we will go there again.
    The magnifying glass will definitely be handy when I get back to the miniature greenhouse, even to see the instructions better!
    I am sure there used to be a different painting on those railings, as you say, quite unusual.
