Friday 10 March 2023

Chores and choppy sea

A couple of photos from yesterday. One is in the restaurant at the garden centre and the other of the church when I walked by.

The weather wasn’t great this morning and Bel thought we should give our meet up a miss. So I spent the morning on household chores. After lunch I walked to Jeans via the sea.

Took a selfie in my new coat!
Nice chat with Jean and Terry brought me home in time to make a cuppa for Darren, as Tina was out for the evening. I suggested that Darren and I had fish and chips in the car before he went off to his club for the evening. Fabulous sea tonight.

Will end with a pic from the garden, was too late to catch the best of the evening though.


  1. A few more pics tonight, more like normal.
    Churches always make good subjects for photos. So many different angles and views to choose from. Looks nice with all the daffodils too.
    Looks like a gorgeous day for a walk by the sea. I’m sure it wasn’t as warm as it appears though. That new jacket looks like it’ll keep the cold out, so I’m sure you were warm at least.
    Were the fish and chips in the cafe or the car? I know spellcheckers have a mind of their own 😊 Either way they always taste good by the sea. Certainly was quite a spectacular sea this evening. You caught some great waves crashing.
    You certainly made up for the lack of pics last night.

  2. Yes, we ate the fish and chips in the car! Bit too chilly to sit out on the benches!
    It did turn out to be a glorious day after a really wet, sleety grey start.
