Wednesday 22 March 2023

Some crafting and a short trip out.

I have been working on the final flowers and plants for the greenhouse. They were more fiddly to the point of being ridiculous so I didn’t really enjoy making them. I am half way through the instruction book and made the mistake of looking at the rest. Making the actual greenhouse is very complicated and had pages of instructions. May have a break from it to build up for another challenge! I will put a series of pics, some of the pieces gathered together as well as finished articles.

I made those two quite early and then had a surprise trip to the garden centre with Angela. We had a nice chat over a sandwich and cuppa and we had George with us, a long haired chihuahua and very cute.

The bed at the front of the house is filling out, and the magnolia in the front is full of blooms. The one in the back garden only has three blooms.

Anya sent me a picture of Peterborough yarn bomb for a change.
I went into the back garden and hoed for about half an hour. Took some pics as it is getting spring like now.

The final plants and bits were beyond fiddly, glad they are made!
I tried using the knee support this morning, it didn’t stay on long as it made the pain much worse! Hopefully the physio will have some suggestions tomorrow.


  1. You’ve done a lot of the greenhouse lately. Sounds like you’ve reached the “burnt out” stage. Hopefully a bit of a break from it will invigorate your desire to get it finished. Won’t be long now! Those parts are so so tiny! But the finished products always look really good. You’ll laugh about all this later 😄……..maybe. Until then you’ll probably have nightmares about them, specially tonight’s as they look really fiddly!
    Glad you managed to get out of the house for a while. A good natter and a sarnie is always good therapy. A cute little dog helps a lot too.
    I love the pillar box hat. A lot of work goes into those. It looks great. I’m sure some of them must get removed by the oiks, which is a shame.
    Half an hour hoeing sounds like a sensible compromise. Don’t get tempted to do too much more though. The beds are starting to look really good now. A LOT of work is starting to pay off.
    Strange that the support actually made the knee feel worse. Fingers crossed 🤞 for the physio tomorrow.

  2. Yes, it was really nice to have the little trip and I get on really well with Angela.
    The garden is looking pretty and there are masses of tulips to open soon.
    I think a day not doing anything to or for the greenhouse is a good plan for tomorrow and then
    Friday is visiting day. May have renewed enthusiasm by the weekend!
