Saturday 11 March 2023

Walk on the beach

After the groceries had been delivered and packed away I decided to go for a walk and took a flask as I was going to wear my spider hoodie which I can get on but cannot take off without help! That means that I cannot go in a cafe a I would be too hot! My leg was quite painful today so I nearly didn’t actually go on the beach and thought I would just go to the end of the lower prom! But when I got there it was such a lovely day that did walk on the beach for a while. Found a boulder to sit on and took some pills with my coffee to ease the walk home! A selection of photos.

That black spot in the sea was a surfer! I bought three pots of bulbs on the way home because they were pretty!
After lunch I did go in the garden for a while, I trimmed the edge of the bed that gave away a few days ago and had me end up on my bottom. The edge was full of worms, maybe that is why the birds have been pecking at it!
I did get the new plants into the ground as well.
Yesterday evening Tina went to a concert and bought me home a signed cd by Blair Dunlop, a singer songwriter who plays an acoustic guitar. Apparently his father was one of the founder members of Fairport Convection. I listened it this afternoon and it is my type of music.
Plenty of steps today so telefest this evening!


  1. I do think it’s funny that you can’t wear the hoodie unless you have someone to help you get it off 😄
    Looks like you had a really good walk this morning. Shame the leg is giving you grief as it takes a lot of the enjoyment of it away. Still pleasant though. Some nice pics of the shore too. I really like the second one. So, the mad surfers have migrated to Hornsea now. Only one for now though! They’re totally mad, all of them.
    Did the robins come and scavenge for worms while you were digging?
    The CD was a nice pressie from the Rev. It’ll make a nice change from dancing around the house to Dire Straights 😄
    Hope the telefest is going well.

  2. It was a pleasant walk despite the leg, I was so pleased that I did actually walk on the beach although you do feel a bit like you have lost your dog!
    The robin was chirping nearby so I imagine once I was out of the way the birds were there on a worm hunt!
    I need to listen to the cd a couple more times and get to know the songs.

    1. “ although you do feel a bit like you have lost your dog!”
      Love it 😂
