Friday 17 March 2023

Slippery road?

This morning June and Jean came to the house early as they wanted some cuttings from the bay tree to use in posies for Mothering Sunday. My leg has been troublesome for a while now and as I stretched up had a sharp pain and thought the knee was going to give out. Have used a knee support for the rest of the day and that has helped, but definitely not a happy knee, fingers crossed not the start of a very slippery road! A very pretty tulip is brightening the front garden!
Bel came round on her buggy today, quite a while since she came to me. We had a good chat, she was happy to be out as she has been poorly for a while.
After lunch I thought I would do a bit to the miniature greenhouse. I couldn’t find the blue plastic cocktail stick which was going to be transformed into a paintbrush and pencils! I took a slow walk to Countdown and Boyes, very slowly I may add, but no joy, so moved on and the next challenges was flower pots. They were very fiddly and the instructions are less than clear, but I have made them. Pictures of the pieces and the pots!

This evening I am enjoying Comic Relief and have company.


  1. Sad to hear the knee is getting worse. I hope it’s not the slippery road to needing another operation, but I suppose time will tell. Maybe you should try to have a few days resting it. Yeah right! 🙄
    You must have been bored to be tempted by the greenhouse! So many fiddly little bits. The finished pot do look good though. I think you can buy little plastic ones on eBay, much easier 😄
    I’ll watch some of the highlights of Comic Relief tomorrow. I hope the bit with Dawn French and Claudia is as good as I expect it to be. Just the one donation?

  2. Program nearly finished, just as well as struggling to stay awake!
    The next challenge is a pot with a plant in, maybe tomorrow.
    Will endeavour to rest the legs!
