Thursday 2 March 2023

Driffield and a bit of gardening

This morning Tina drove us up to the Men In Sheds building so that I could drop off a box of craft stuff for the Crafty Shedders, ie, the ladies that meet there! Then we went to Driffield for a wander round and some lunch. We haven’t been there for a while and it is a nice little town. I noticed this in a shop window, it was an interesting use of little crochet hearts which I found interesting as Isobel has been making little crochet herts.
We did do some shopping, mainly toiletries and socks, but I got these which I was pleased with, not that I need any coasters, but they were 99p each!
We watched a Bargain Hunt when we got back and then I went out into the garden for an hour. It really isn’t too bad but I hoes the walled garden and some flower beds and cleared around the path leading to the garden bin. Trying to keep on top of things before the weeds get too big, and at the moment ai am not sure when I will be off to Peterborough again.
I had arranged to go to Sal and Carol’s to have my haircut rather than them coming here as Darren isn’t ready for another cut yet. They phoned to say they were home and I walked down to there apartment. Went through the memorial garden and the beds are a bit sparse but getting quite colourful now.
Their apartment looks out on the sea, this photo is from outside the building but they are on the first floor so can see much more sea from there.

The hair is shorter now and more importantly thinned out!

Normal visiting day tomorrow which hasn’t happened for a few weeks!


  1. I’m sure the Crafty Shedders will make good use of the donation. If you didn’t have so many craft ideas of your own to keep you busy it would be a good place for you to go. But with your hectic schedule these days I don’t think you’d be able to fit it in anyway!
    A ride out with the Rev and a bit of lunch is always good, and you can never have too many coasters or candles 😊
    The garden will probably turn out to be a bit of a pain with you travelling back and forth down south. As you say, trying to keep on top of it now is all you can do, then keep your fingers crossed. You could always get Darren and the Rev out there with you for a “family activity day”!
    Your hair looks good as usual. They do make a good job of it. I desperately need a haircut myself. I look like the wild man of Borneo at the minute. It’s probably not “woke” to use those sayings these days. Hey ho 😊

  2. It has been a good day, pleased I was able to do a bit in the garden, the weeds are beginning to appear now!
    Always nice to go to Driffield a crass country journey so seems further than it actually is.
    I think family gardening is maybe a step too far!
