Friday 31 March 2023

Bel day!

Miserable day weather wise today, grey wet and very chilly wind! I walked round to see Bel who was fine. She has a great amaryllis,  a white one, not ridiculously tall so staying upright without support for now.

A few weeks back she volunteered to make some bunting, five metres of it, for use in the town at the coronation. When they heard of her efforts at the paper she was interviewed, so I will post her moment of fame. I marked the relevant bit with a pen.
Had lunch with Darren at Lily’s, had a quick look at the sea then made the short wool to Jeans.
Couldn’t decide which one of the nest two to add so will just post them both!

It was mighty cold by the sea!
Terry gave me a lift home and now having another quiet evening. I am hoping there may be improvement in the knee next week!


  1. It had been a wet and breezy day here too. Roll on summer!
    That is a nice amaryllis. It’s doing well staying up on its own.
    Five metres of bunting is quite a lot. Did Bel do it all by hand? You could have done a few metres on the machine. Maybe next time? 😊
    Blimey, the sea does look pretty rough today. All the pics are good, so you can never have too many. I can imagine how cold it was. I bet the loony surfers were out in it somewhere!
    I hope your knee starts to improve a bit next week. It’s been good for you to have a bit of a rest from your normal hectic lifestyle, but I can imagine you’ll be crawling the walls soon 😊

  2. She had a template and cut it all out herself, but she does use a machine so not sewn by hand,
    The amaryllis is lovely, I haven’t had one for a while.
    The sea was rough and foamy today, quite loud too.
