Thursday 9 March 2023

No photos!

I didn’t take many photos today, but it really doesn’t matter as I cannot transfer them as the phone had decided to disconnect from the WiFi and I am pinned down by the cat and cannot get downstairs to get the password!
This morning Shane, the Ringtons rep arrived before I went to Hull with Tina so I was able to get the teabags a friend had asked for. Tina had an appointment in Hull, I got the throw sent off to my sister and when Tina was finished we went to The Range as we needed a new toilet seat!
Then we went and had lunch at a garden centre.
When we got home I phoned Mark and said I would deliver the teabags. David had given me very sketchy directions and having walked about a mile having passed the house early on I delivered them, wet, cold and limping! Didn’t even get offered a cup of tea.
Tina got me a new coat today from them for Mothering Sunday, maybe a photo tomorrow!
Pandora is still quite happy pinning me to the chair!


  1. Seems really odd with no photos. Doesn’t happen very often. Damn technology!
    Sounds like you’ve kept busy. A trip out with Tina is always good as you usually have a chuckle. Toilet seat shopping is always fun too. Did you get a funky design, or (sorry for the pun) a bog standard one?
    The teabag run was fun from the sounds of it, and I do find it amusing that after delivering tea bags in the cold and wet, you didn’t even get offered a cuppa! But you certainly lead a varied life 😊
    A nice coat for Mothering Sunday is a nice pressie, perfect for future tea deliveries 😄

  2. Quite a pleasant day despite the wild teabag goose chase. Will get the phone back on line tomorrow.
