Tuesday 7 March 2023

Testing the leg and crafting!

I walked up to Freeport this morning and was limping well by the time I arrived, but after a sit down and a drink I decided to walk back rather than catch the bus. Passed these crocuses looking lovely among long grass on the way home.
My pace was slower on the way home and when I called in to see Sher at Botany Boutique I was glad of a sit down and she made me a cuppa. We had a good natter and she was telling me about having a stall at Beverley market on Saturday. She said it was exhausting but worth while.
After lunch I went to see Sarah and David for a couple of hours, they are off to South Africa for a month next week.
I did a bit more knitting before getting dinner.
Then after dinner I finished off the throw I was making.
Resting the legs now!


  1. Sounds like the leg is working, as well as it’s going to at least. Don’t wear it out though!
    That was nice of Sher to make you a cuppa. Are you tempted to offer to help on the stall in Beverly?
    South Africa for a month sounds good. I bet it’ll be a bit wormer there! Do they need anyone to carry their cases? 😄
    The hat is coming on. You must have a few now. But I’m sure you’ll still forget to take one on a cold days booting and have to buy another!
    The quilt looks really nice. Didn’t really take you that long either. It’ll be a nice pressie for someone.

    1. The leg is quite sore when I walk but not enough to stop me trying to keep going.
      The throw isn’t the best thing I have ever made, but it turned out pretty well considering I was making it up as I went along.
