Saturday 25 March 2023

Some crafting

I had a rough night and was up early so made the pencil and paintbrush from the cocktail stick that I painted yesterday evening.
Tina was out for the day so Darren and I planned to have lunch out. He was going to the gym and I arranged to walk down and meet him when he was finished. I did walk down but the knee was painful and I was very slow, so haven’t done too much more walking today. We were going to go in the cafe at the leisure centre but is was absolutely heaving so we drove up to Freeport. We had a very nice lunch and then went in a few shops. On the way back Darren stopped at Tesco so that I could get some Greek yogurt.
I fixed the pencil and brush onto the items they were intended for and then sorted out the items to be displayed on one of the display stands I made for the miniature greenhouse. That was actually quite fiddly as well, as the ‘vases, are actually all beads so not a lot of edge to stick down. Have put front and back photo.

Other than that I have had a relatively quiet day, and after a bad night will be back on the recliner tonight.


  1. After a rough night and a very early morning I can honestly say the last thing I’d be doing is making a miniature paintbrush and pencil! They look really good though, as does the display stand with some of the items you’ve made stuck on. It’s getting very close to the home straight now.
    Shame the leg decided to give you so much pain on the way to meet Darren. At least you didn’t have to struggle to get home. Sons are handy at times. 😊
    Hope you have more luck on the recliner than the bed.

  2. It is good to get some of the items gathered together and get an idea of how they look. It does feel as if finishing is becoming into view ,pleased with how it is going so far. Feeling pretty tired and we lose an hour tonight so may watch Casualty on catch up.
