Saturday 1 April 2023

Busy town today

Not a lot to report today, I have been into the town a couple of times and it was very busy. There was a soap cut rally at the far end on the town but it had definitely encouraged lots of visitors. There was also a Hornsea Collective event in the town hall which I went along to, lots of local artists and shop keepers and Sher is one of the organisers. It was good for them that there was another event on as the town hall was packed. I did walk carefull across the park and did catch one cart coming down! My leg was pretty sore so I didn’t hang about and took. Gentle walk home.

I sorted some bird supplies in the greenhouse and a few chores, but nothing of interest.


  1. The soap cart rally looks like fun. I wouldn’t want to be one of the blokes chasing behind the cart though, that looks like hard work! You do have a lot of different events there. We don’t seem to have anything like that, apart from the yearly fun run. I’m sure all those visitors helped boost the local shopkeepers coffers for the day. Glad to hear you took it easy walking.

  2. They do seem to arrange quite a lot in the town, and as you say, great for the local businesses.
    I am hoping again that I can start building the walking up again slowly.
