Friday 30 September 2022

Change of plan!

The fridge of the fridge freezer in the kitchen has been on the blink for a while, making weird noises etc. but in its favour it used to be very cold, almost too cold. We had a brief power cut last night and Darren and Tina said that it made a very weird noise! This morning everything was warm and the fridge part had finally given up the ghost. Tina has ordered a new one to arrive on Tuesday. She and Darren are away at the weekend and Tina was busy all day today so I decided to set to and get stuff moved out and it cleaned. Also got a couple of things out of the freezer part to defrost before going to see Bel doe and hour or so a planned. I did a few minutes on the jigsaw first thing, very, very slow progress!
The rest of the day was pretty much kitchen bound. I prepared the vegetable I had in the fridge and put them on to make soup. I had put ready made pastry and sausage meat out to defrost and managed to make some reasonable sausage rolls in the Ninja Max.
I had mince put to defrost as well and went to the sh to get a few more potatoes then made a cottage pie. Managed to cook that in the new machine as well. I emptied the fridge, cleaned it all out and stored perishables I my little fridge upstairs. It is surprising how much time I spent with not a lot to show for it.
May catch the bus into Beverley tomorrow if it has stopped raining by then. Not complaining, we had some proper rainfall today which is great news, and I don’t really mind if it continues tomorrow,


  1. Well looking on the bright side, the new fridge freezer should be more energy efficient than the old one, so it should cost less to run. Always an up side 😊 Can be a damn nuisance without a fridge though. Bring back pantries with a concrete shelf. They always managed to keep things cold in ye olden days! I suppose spending time in the kitchen doing that did mean you got some cooking done too, always a bonus. Those sausage rolls look good. I’m guessing there less than eight left this evening 😊 You’re getting some use from the Ninja. Again, a lot cheaper than using the big oven. Tea cooked in it as well, bet that was nice. Not had cottage pie for ages. You do put me to shame ☹️
    You’ll be ready for an easier day tomorrow. It’s surprising how much effort all these things take. May not seem much, but it soon adds up.
    Rained here since mid afternoon too. If it does continue tomorrow I hope it does it in the afternoon and not the morning or I won’t get a walk!

  2. Yes, not a day that was planned, but good to get a bit of practice with the Ninja and feel a bit more confident.
    I am hoping the rain stays away in the morning, won’t go out if is is bucketing down!
    Been trying to do some jigsaw, I am sure pieces are missing!
