Thursday 1 September 2022

Garden and insects

I did go along the road early to post letters and again to collect prescriptions from the chemist, they were still closed when I went out to catch the post.
that I have been in and out of the garden, pretty hot in the sun again. Will start with another photo that Mike has played with to improve it, I only ever post ones as they are taken.
He is very good at getting the best out of them!
The first job this morning was finding homes for all the stuff I moved and cleaned yesterday. Some was to go to the greenhouse but we have a large store cupboard on the patio and I cleaned that out and stored things more methodically. After that I decided it was time to attack the greenhouse, I moved a lot of the bird food but still have some in there, and I have had three neglected tomato plants on the go but plan to start using it as a greenhouse again now. That’s the plan anyway! The bond weed had invaded and it was a mess!

It was so hot in there, have had the window and door closed as the squirrels were causing havoc. Have left the window open a bit now as I don’t go in there to get the bird food now so they may leave it alone. Fingers crossed on that one. Before I put the after pics I will post one of hover flies on a dandelion as it came out quite well.
The sunflowers are great this year, I got the mixed smaller ones not the giant, but they are tall and healthy. The trouble is they are so close to the greenhouse so it is difficult to photograph them! I love the lemon yellow one and took the first photo through the greenhouse roof, the other one I stood on the concrete as you go into the greenhouse so I could get closer!

Now the after shots, a bit more workable now!

After lunch I decided to get started on tidying the beds, I have been pretty negligent this summer! The one in front of the summer house was pretty weedy so started there. May not seem a lot but had a good amount in the garden cart to get rid of!

I have done some watering with cans this evening, and hoping the rain won’t miss us again!
Weary this evening now.


  1. I enjoy playing about editing the pics. They don’t improve your pics, they just make them different. Your pics are usually pretty damn good anyway. The hover flies tonight is a cracker!
    I think the more storage places you have the worse it gets. We all tend to automatically fill all the spaces we have. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had cupboards and drawers that actually stayed empty? Never going to happen 😄 The greenhouse definitely looks better after a bit of TLC. Hope the squirrels stay out of it!
    The bed you tidied looks a lot better, and I can imagine how much weed came out of it. It really is a shame the gardens are so huge. You really don’t stand a chance of ever really getting on top of it all. I’m not a bit surprised you feel weary. I’d be fair exhausted I think!
    Hope the rain arrives. Although I think the weeds probably benefit more from it than the plants ☹️ Plus it’s no fun trailing back and forth with watering cans!

    1. Quite a busy day but at least I can see where I have been.
      I was really pleased with the hover fly shot, they are pretty little things and wouldn’t usually take photos of dandelions either!
      I will never have enough space for everything, an ongoing battle for someone who has too much stuff and a tendency to be untidy!
