Friday 2 September 2022

Not a lot to report!

I visited Bel as usual this morning, she was in good form and we did a bit of a jigsaw together. She has started a 1500 piece one.
I went with Tina to Lidl at Beverley to get supplies for the harvest festival and then we had a bit of lunch. Then Tina took me to Jeans as she wa going to see Terry her husband. Jen told me bout the wedding she went to last week, it looked lovely from the pictures.
I used the watering cans to give the vulnerable plants a water this evening and then went to the church to see if ai could help with anything as they were getting set up for the horticultural show. Angela was there so we had a bit of a chat which spews good as I haven’t seen her for a while.
That’s about it, I just took a picture of the sky when I was watering, quite dramatic but sadly no rain!


  1. Quite a light day for you today. I know you enjoy your visits on a Friday, so a good day as well. You know how to live it up, shopping at Lidl and a bit of lunch 😊
    Definitely a good day for nattering if you saw Angela too.
    Might only be one pic, but it’s a nice one.

  2. Yes, quiet is good. I still feel tired though.
